The latest updates and information for our shareholders, potential investors and financial analysts


    The latest updates and information for our shareholders, potential investors and financial analysts

Organization Chart

Size of Board
Number of Independent Non-executive Directors ("INED") on the Board 3
Annual review of independence of INED
Separate roles of Chairman and CEO
Size of Audit Committee 3
Number of INED on the Audit Committee having accounting or related finanicial management expertise 1
Size of Remuneration Committee 3
Number of INED on the Remuneration Committee 3
Size of Nomination Committee 3
Number of INED on the Nomination Committee 3
Internal Audit Department
Number of Board meetings held in FY2023 9
Number of Audit Committee meetings with external auditors' present held in FY2023 3
Number of Remuneration Committee meetings held in FY2023 2
Number of Nomination Committee meetings held in FY2023 2
Board members' retirement by rotation once every three years and re-election by shareholders
Regular Board review on the financial statements and financial reporting system
Annual Board review on the risk management and internal control systems
Director Securities Dealing Guidelines (Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed
Issuers as set out in Appendix C3 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules)
Corporate Governance Guidelines (Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix C1 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules)


To serve the best interests of the company’s owners and other stakeholders, include but not limited to:

  1. enhancing return on capital
  2. enhancing the benefits to employees
  3. facilitating improvement of services for customers
  4. optimizing the benefits for the community and the general public
  5. promoting sustainable development and the protection of the environment etc.

Corporate Governance Guidance and Relevant Information

List of Directors and Their Role and FunctionDownload this file

Audit Committee_Terms of ReferenceDownload this file

Remuneration Committee_Terms of ReferenceDownload this file

Nomination Committee_Terms of ReferenceDownload this file

Registered Shareholders - Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate CommunicationsDownload this file

Non-registered Shareholders - Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate CommunicationsDownload this file

Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a a DirectorDownload this file

Memorandum and Articles of AssociationDownload this file

Corporate Transparency and Investor RelationsDownload this file