Explore our facts and figures, latest news, events and campaigns


    Explore our facts and figures, latest news, events and campaigns

For media enquiries or public relations activities, please contact us at marketing@comba-telecom.com.

Factsheet / Company Profile

Factsheet / Company Profile

Background and introduction to Comba Telecom

Comba's Infographic

Comba's Infographic

Latest updates on Comba Telecom’s data and information

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Member and introduction to Comba Telecom’s board of directors

Senior Management

Senior Management

Biographies of senior managment

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

Download senior management, latest events or product photos

Investor Relations

Investor Relations

Latest financial information and news such as financial highlights, financial reports, financial presentations, stock information, announcements & circulars, etc.

Comba's Publication

Comba's Publication

White papers, case studies, product / solution Briefs, videos and blogs issued by Comba

Virtual Tour to Comba Telecom

Virtual Tour to Comba Telecom

Get your VR glasses to visit Comba Telecom's main campus, R&D centers and other keys locations.